Thursday, April 5, 2012

Who Am I?

Because this is my first blog post (besides the assigned one we were told to do in lab last week), I feel like it is only right to introduce myself. 

My name is Lauren and this is my first official blog! I have used MySpace as a type of blog in the past, and enjoyed keeping my thoughts and ideas in one place. I also currently use Tumblr as a photo blog (blogging and re-blogging photos that I like). If you consider Twitter as a blog (which I do to some extent), I "blog" on there as well. I am a freshman in college this year at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio studying media management. I'm from a suburb of Columbus, so coming here was a lot smaller and different than what I was used to. I like to think I have the best of both worlds, the small college town and the big city.

Below is a photo of Columbus, Ohio (my hometown)

Below is a photo of where I am currently living, the college town of Athens, Ohio

What I mainly want to write about for my first blog entry is my love of music. Music is essentially what landed me here at Ohio University. It all started with this little boy band you may have heard of before called the Jonas Brothers. Back in middle school that's all my friends and I would talk about. We would follow what they were up to on the Internet, listen to their music constantly, and go to as many concerts that our parents would let us go to. Needless to say, we were pretty huge fans. We started seeing pictures of people with them and would always wonder how that happened and could only dream that one day that would happen for us (funny, because now I could care less). We figured out that the people who had pictures with them had known them for a while from running fan clubs for them when they were just getting started and trying to promote their music and shows. My friend, Jordyn, and I decided that we wanted to meet famous people too, and if it couldn't be the Jonas Brothers it would have to be other up-and-coming artists. We started multiple fan clubs on MySpace that we referred to as "street teams". Before we did this we had to get in contact with the artist's management to make sure it was ok and so that we could be considered official (it also helps for communication purposes so that they knew we even existed). These street teams were for the whole state of Ohio, and fans from all over the state would request to be our friend so that they could stay up to date with their favorite up-and-coming artist(s). We would be informed of when they would be performing near or in Columbus, and sometimes we would even work with them to book the show. Usually at the shows we would set up an interview and ask questions that the people from our street teams wanted to know and later post it to YouTube. This stage of our lives slowly came to a stop, mainly because Jordyn and I became busier with school and went off to college. My obsession with concerts did not stop after the street teams stopped, however. I have been to around 40 concerts of all different types of music, and going to see live music is still one of my absolute favorite things to do. My love for music, booking shows, and interviewing is what has lead me to where I am now. Media Management is the perfect major for me, and I don't think I could be any happier with my decision. I hope to have a career that involves working in the music industry on the business end of things. I am confident that being in the Scripps College of Communication will help me to achieve this, and I am proud to be in my school.

Below is a picture of one of the bands that Jordyn and I promoted and interviewed, Push Play.

Another person that Jordyn and I interviewed was Jordan Pruitt. I will post a video of her signing below.

From now on this blog will be where I share with you just some of my college experiences, as well as some things that are a great part of my life. I hope you get some sort of entertainment out of them.

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