Friday, April 20, 2012


What makes you feel alive? What makes you feel like you’re living and not just surviving? I know those are somewhat deep and cheesy questions to be asking, but seriously. You know the feeling when you just feel like you’re on top of the world and nothing at all could bring you down? Like you just could not be any happier? I get that feeling when I’m out seeing the world and traveling. I love going and seeing other places and how other people live. I think it is so beneficial to anyone to get away from what they are used to every once in a while. The same thing for too long gets boring, you know? Maybe this is just me, but I even like to just go for a drive every now and then, without a destination just to see where I end up and to see new places. To me that is interesting and adventurous. I think that in order to get the most out of life you need to explore what else there is in this huge world, and not just stick to the surroundings you’re used to.

I’m going to take some time now to write about past vacations. This is not me bragging, this is more me reflecting on and remembering good times with my family. 

Some of my favorite places I have vacationed at are Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, Naples, Florida, and Isle of Palms, South Carolina. Two places that mean a little more to me because of family are Mari-Dor Beach in Vermilion, Ohio and Sunset Beach in North Carolina. Mexico was awesome. That was only my second time being out of the country (besides Canada), and it was just really interesting to see how differently people live there. At the actual resort we stayed at, there wasn’t anything to culturally shocking, but from the airport to our resort it was really interesting. The way that they drive is different, they have military people on the sides of the roads, and there are also people everywhere. The water was beautiful and the food was great. 

Below is a picture of the road we were on coming from the airport going to our resort. You can see how crazy they drive!

Naples was one of the more relaxing trips I have been on. It is at the very southern most part of Florida and was very hot and humid. There were a lot of alligators, surprisingly (some a little too close for comfort)! The beaches we went to were very nice and clean and family friendly. On this trip we also decided to visit Sanibel Island because it was close by. That is probably one of the most beautiful places I have ever been! I would love to go back. Another great trip I took was this past summer with two of my best friends. The three of us road tripped from Columbus, Ohio to Isle of Palms, South Carolina (with no parents). It was kind of a big deal because of how far we were going without our parents there. We stayed at one of my friend’s aunt’s condo that was right on the beach. It was beautiful. We would wake up, put a bathing suit on, pack lunch, and head over to the beach right away. This was a very nice trip because there was really no need to drive anywhere! 

I will insert a picture bellow of the beautiful beach

Two places that are a little closer to my heart are Sunset Beach, North Carolina and Mari-Dor Beach, Ohio (Vermilion). My grandma and grandpa have a condo down at Sunset Beach and we like to go and vacation there to visit them when they are down there. It is not very crazy at all. The majority of people there seem to be a little on the older side and like to golf or sit on the beach all day. Regardless, I love going there to have a nice, relaxing time with my family. Mari-Dor Beach is in Vermilion, Ohio and my family (aunt and uncle) actually owns it. There are probably about 20 or so cottages that they rent out in the summer time, as well as spaces people can rent to park their campers/RVs and stay. Mari-Dor is a family owned business and has been passed down through many generations. The cottages are very small and did not have air conditioning up until this past summer. There is nothing fancy about this place AT ALL, however people still bring their families back every summer to enjoy a relaxing week on the shore of Lake Erie.

Here is a picture of the beach from the bank

Places that I want to go but have never been before are New York, Chicago, LA, Nashville, and Australia! I have always wanted to go to New York City. It’s just somewhere that ever since I was little decided I wanted to go. I think because it’s so big and has so much history behind it and everyone talks about how crazy and fast paced it is. I have always wanted to visit Ellis Island and see the Statue of Liberty. Not to mention, New York is known for it’s shopping. A more recent place I have wanted to go to is Chicago. My mom and sister took a trip there about a year ago and had nothing but great things to say about it. I love going to cities and think that Chicago seems gorgeous! I have also always wanted to go to LA. I have never really been out west or to the west coast. I have this image of what I think LA would be like in my mind and I would love to see it and experience it for myself. I want to go to Nashville mainly because of how much music history is there and how much music is still prevalent there now. I have heard it is very pretty, and I think I would enjoy it very much. As for going somewhere out of the country, I think it would be sweet to go to Australia. Everything I have heard about it and all the pictures I have seen seem so amazing! I think it would truly be a great and adventurous vacation to go on. I can’t go to all these places right now, so in the mean time I will stick to being a student and trying to save up any little amount of money I get. Maybe I should start taking donations and asking people if they would like to fund my trips (haha).

Where are your favorite vacation spots and where would you like to visit? I would love to know!

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